What is Smart Pay
Smart Pay is a program to help Ambulance Officers who work for the NSW Ambulance Service to calculate their Pay.

It offers a quick and easy interface that is very similar to your regular time sheet.

Smart Pay instantly calculates your pay every time you make or change an entry. 

Smart Pay can print your projected Pay slip so you can compare it with your regular pay slip. It also prints your time sheet, giving you a permanent record as well as making it easy to identify errors.

The ambulance award is very complex and while most aspects are covered in Smart Pay some are not. So if you find something that Smart cannot do or is doing incorrectly please let me know.

Smart Pay now prints out your full time sheet along with your pay slip. It also includes the Ambulance Award On Line.

Smart Pay is shareware so if you find it useful please register it as this allows further development as well as keeping you up to date with developments. Registration is only $39.00 until 30/6/99 and has the following benefits.

  • Help support  development  of Smart  Pay.

  • Receive a registration key to turn your version into a full registered copy.

  • Unlock additional features.

  • Notification by e-mail of new developments.

Click here to download Smart Pay